OpenSite Designer Help

Line to Element

Constructs a line at a skew to a reference element.

You can access this tool from the following:

  • Ribbon: Geometry > Horizontal > Lines split button
  • Ribbon: Geometry > Vertical > Lines split button


  1. Click Line To Element. The Line To Element dialog displays. Any of the inputs can be locked in the dialog at any time. Locking some values may limit or otherwise affect the other values.

  2. Identify the beginning point location of the line to be drawn.

  3. Locate the element to be drawn to by selecting it with a data point, example, left click.

  4. Select the offset from the element being drawn to. This value can be keyed in or graphically selected.

  5. Once the offset is selected in the previous step, the skew angle needs to be chosen. If a right angle is desired, simply enter 90 degrees in the key-in.

  6. Specify the start distance. This distance is measured along the skew from the offset element.

  7. Select the adjustment option: None or Back. This trims the element you are drawing to.

Use of ALT Key

During the operation of the command, the keyboard ALT key can be used to switch between alternate solutions. When the skew angle is locked, pressing the ALT key switches between the two alternates.

Dialog Customization

Right-click on the dialog to customize the dialog for specific tasks or user preference.


Manipulators are available for:

  • Offset from base element drawn to

  • Skew angle

  • Start distance

  • Drag handles to dynamically adjust start and end distance


The Line To Element rule data is also accessible in the properties.

Custom Tools

These pre-customized versions provide a simplified prompt sequence for many common construction tools. Right-click on the Line to Element icon then choose Show/Hide Arc from Element Tools to access the following options:

  • Simple Line to Element - Creates a line without any transition to another element at zero degrees skew angle, applicable only when the To element is a curve, Offset locked at zero

  • Spiral-Line to Element - Creates a line with a spiral transition to another element at zero degrees skew angle, applicable only when the To element is a curve, Offset locked at zero

  • Curve-Line to Element - Creates a line with an arc transition to another element at zero degrees skew angle, applicable only when the To element is a curve, Offset locked at zero

  • By Angle Line to Element - Creates a line without any transition at user defined skew angle, Offset locked at zero